For the symbolism and structure of blue colour in German language

For the symbolism and structure of blue colour in German language


  • Tsisana Modebadze Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml



color, blue, symbolism, structure, connotation, phraseology


Colors have a different symbolic meaning in every culture. In this case, the aim of our research is to determine the semantic fields, symbolism and structure of the blue color. Blaue is translated into Georgian in two ways: blue and light blue. In German language, light blue is only used as a composite by adding the noun Himmel-sky - Himmelblau.

The object of the research is: German language dictionaries.

„blau- blue” is a word of Indo-Germanic origin and means “flashing”, “shining”. The color gamut is expanded by adding the adjectives “hell-light” “dunkel-dark”: hellblau-light blue, dunkelblau-dark blue. Colors are also specified with the help of the comparative conjunction wie-as: blau, wie das Meer sein-it is blue like the sea.

In phraseology, colors are associated with different semantic fields, emotions and properties. In German, blue is a symbol of water and sky. It is a symbol of the surreal world of peace, friendship, tranquility, relaxation, reliability and spirit.

In terms of structure, two-component composite nouns + blau adjective are most often encountered.

Himmelblau (Himmel-sky +blau-blue)-light blue.

Three-component composites were also observed( noun+noun +blau (adjective)).

Marienmantelblau- (Marien-Maria+Mantel-coat+blau-blue)- . The color of Mary's cloak.

We have also met adjective+adjective blau (two-components)

Ägyptischblau (Ägyptisch- Egyptian +blau-blue)_ Egyptian blue.

Adjective +noun+blau(adjective)(three-components): Blaubeerenblau- (blau-blue+Beeren-berry+blau-blue)-blueberrish.

Thus, in phraseology, blue expresses both positive and negative and neutral emotions. Although the color blue often carries more positive symbolism, 13 of the 51 phraseology we searched for had positive connotations. We encountered more (27 phraseology) with negative connotation and 11 - with neutral connotation.



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How to Cite

Modebadze, T. (2023). For the symbolism and structure of blue colour in German language. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7.




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