Variety of medicinal plants containing flavonoids common in Adjara and features of use

Variety of medicinal plants containing flavonoids common in Adjara and features of use




medicinal plants, Adjara, endemic species, flavonoids


The paper discusses the taxonomic diversity of medicinal plants containing flavonoids distributed in the floristic region of Adjara, their life forms, the peculiarities of distribution and origin, and the peculiarities of their use in medicine. The method of route expedition, identification of plants, survey of local population was used to perform the work. Based on the obtained information, it was determined that 59 species containing flavonoids are distributed in the floristic region of Adjara, which are grouped into 53 genera and 32 families. According to life forms, annual grass - 5, perennial grass - 30, biennial - 4, liana - 3, tree - 7, shrub - 10 species. According to use: immunostimulator-4, anti-inflammatory-15, respiratory tract treatment 6, antimicrobial 4, spasmolytic-2, diuretic-4, gastrointestinal diseases treatment 10, nervous system treatment 5, pain reliever-3, tonic-2, antipyretic 1 , cardiovascular treatment - 3 types. Among the 59 studied species, 4 species are endemic: Chorokhi oak-endemic of Adjara-Lazeti, Caucasian lily-endemic of Caucasus, Kolkhur ivy-endemic of Kolkheti, and Popov's nesting baia (Ficaria popovii)-endemic of Adjara.


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How to Cite

Varshanidze, N., Jakeli, E., Turmanidze, N., & Darchidze, M. (2023). Variety of medicinal plants containing flavonoids common in Adjara and features of use. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7, 32–38.



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