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Omar Lanchava, & Irakli Gvencadze. (2021). ON THE PROBLEM OF EMERGENCY SITUATION CONTROL IN TRANSPORT TUNNELS: К ВОПРОСУ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНЫМИ СИТУАЦИЯМИ В ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ ТОННЕЛЯХ. Georgian Scientists, 3(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.52340/gs.02.21.271


The problem of control of emergency situation arisen as a result of fire in motor transport tunnels is considered. The dynamics of air flow variation caused by fire and resulting possible changes in ventilation system operation character are analyzed. It is stated that fire temperatures and intensities indicated in Code are significantly lower compared to their actual values; at the initial stage of fire ventilators are more effective for smoke removal than for heat removal; 30 MV intensity' is sufficient for ventilation system collapse in the very first minutes of dire; the only way to avoid collapse is immediate dissection of tunnel into short isolated sections.

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Библиографические ссылки

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