On Thermogradient Mass Transfer in a Mountain Massif
Print version piblished is: Сборник докладов Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 100-летнему юбилею научной и туристско-экскурсионной деятельности в Кунгурской Ледяной пещере и 100-летию со дня рождения В.С. Лукина.-26 –31 мая 2014 г. -Кунгурская Ледяная пещера, Пермский край, Россия
For any physical field that is formed as a result of interrelated irreversible processes and manifests itself in the form of energy or substance flows, the Onsager linear system of equations is valid [1]. where Ji is the rate of the process, or the vector of the corresponding flow; Lik are the kinetic parameters of the change (characteristics of the conducting medium); Xk are the driving forces that cause the occurrence of flows.
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