The influence of the media on the artistic and literary process in Georgia and America
"Whoever wants to find happiness and newness in life, must read a newspaper!" This opinion appeared in 1609 when the first newspaper was published in Germany. The information society is characterized by a rapid pace of development and constant change. It is precisely because of these changes that papers based only on public opinion research cannot maintain the necessary relevance for long. The synthesis of conducted studies, based on recent examples as well as historical materials, reveals the common characteristics that, despite the constant differences, are preserved in a certain period of time and do not undergo significant changes. The purpose of this article is to determine the role and importance of cultural media, in this case in the press coverage of cultural issues, print media as one of the factors determining freedom of speech in the process of forming public opinion and to show the influence of media on the artistic and literary process in Georgia and America - magazines - "theater" On the example of "Aril", "ARTFORUM" and "Art in America".
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