Petrology of the Rocks Composing the Shuakhevi HPP Engineering Structure

Petrology of the Rocks Composing the Shuakhevi HPP Engineering Structure




Shuakhevi hydropower plant, Adjaristskali River, petrology, geochemistry


The petrology of the rocks in the Adjaristskali River basin in the territory of Shuakhevi HPP engineering buildings has been studied. The petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical features of the rock material of the Middle Eocene Burnati and Kintrishi suites have been studied using both traditional and modern methods. This research confirmed that the mentioned suites are composed of basalt, andesite-basalt and trachybasalt tuffs, tuff-breccias and lavas. These rocks have been investigated for the first time from a geochemical point of view. They were established to be rocks of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline composition of high-K shoshonite origin. The rocks of both suites are characterized by boninitic composition, which is typical for the geodynamic conditions of young island arcs; their origin is related to back-arc tectonic conditions


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Author Biographies

Giorgi Beridze, Tbilisi State University

Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology

Irakli Javakhishvili, Tbilisi State University

Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology


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How to Cite

Ioseliani, L., Beridze, G., & Javakhishvili, I. (2024). Petrology of the Rocks Composing the Shuakhevi HPP Engineering Structure. Georgian Geographical Journal, 4(1), 4–10.


