3D Model of Morphostructure of the Crystalline Basement of the Georgian Caucasus
Georgia, crystalline basement, structural geology, 3D modelAbstract
Thus, for the first time for Georgia and the region, a plasticine model of the morphotectonics of the crystalline basement was created on a horizontal scale of 1:500 000 m and a vertical scale of 1: 200 000, which contributed to a clear visualization of the morphostructure of one of the main structural-tectonic elements of the upper part of the Caucasus crust within Georgia. The technique for reproducing the plasticine model of the morphology of the relief of a crystalline basement consists in removing the mass of plasticine that corresponded to a thick sedimentary cover below the zero mark, and above this mark, on the contrary, in building up to the required height. As a result, the obtained model clearly shows the modern picture of the relief morphology of the crystalline basement, and its mosaic-block structure.
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