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ცისკარიშვილი ნ.ი. T. N., კაციტაძე ა. K. A., ცისკარიშვილი ნ.ვ. T. N., ცისკარიშვილი ც. T. T., & ჭითანავა ლ. C. L. (2021). OXIDATIVE STRESS IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF VITILIGO. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 50, 115–117. извлечено от https://journals.4science.ge/index.php/CSW/article/view/49


The author has presented a short literary review of one of the pathogenetic theories of vitiligo (theory of biochemical alterations), which is based on the oxidative stress. According to this theory, accumulation of the toxic free radicals in the melanocytes induces their destruction. High concentration of Nitric Oxigen (NO) in melanocytes and in serum of vitiligo patients confirms the possible role of this oxidant in melanocytic self-destruction. The increased level of free radicals in melanocytes can provoke defective apoptosis with the subsequent release of aberrant proteins.  These proteins play a role of autoantigens, which in turn actuates the autoimmune reactions. Revealed intracellular reliable imbalance in the antioxidative equilibrium along with the destruction of epidermal cells indicates the significant role of the oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of vitiligo, and data about positive effect of antioxidants in the treatment of vitiligo confirm the participation of oxidative stress in the complicated pathogenesis of vitiligo.

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Библиографические ссылки

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