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Orjonikidze, M., Shengelia, A., Lagazidze, D., Getia, M., & Bakuridze, A. (2023). THE TECHNOLOGY OF OBTAINING AN ISOFLAVONOID CONTAINING EXTRACT FROM THE SOYBEANS CULTIVATED IN GEORGIA. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 56, 117–119. извлечено от


The wide variety of biologically active substances contained in soybean (Glycine max), a worldwide cultivated cereal plant, leads to its wide use in medicinal and cosmetic products. We obtained experimental samples of soybean extracts cultivated in Georgia using 3 different methods, in which the biologically active component “daidzein” was identified, the concentration of which was maximal in the third extract and was 5-6 times higher than the concentration of the first two extracts. It was determined by the HPLC methodology that the ultrasonic extraction method provides the fastest and maximum yield of daidzein.

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Библиографические ссылки

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