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Darsania, T., & Garuchava, N. (2023). FOOD-BORNE DISEASES CAUSED BY HOME-MADE FOOD IN GEORGIA. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 56, 64–67.


In the world literature, poisoning caused by home homemade food preparation is widely described, which indicates a violation of the sanitary and hygienic conditions of personal hygiene and the environment by housewives and family members during food preparation. The purpose of our study is to learn the level of knowledge of the risk of food poisoning and diseases of Georgian population, also to assess the behavior of the population at the stages of food purchase, storage, processing and production and pay attention to the management of food residues. The study used a direct interview of respondents. The study showed that consumers sometimes behave incorrectly at all stages of accessing food - from the stage of purchasing products to the stage of making ready-to-eat food products, based on the self-confidence of the population that nothing will happen to them and from lack of knowledge on this issue. It should also be noted that the unfavorable living conditions in Georgia impede the observance of the safety rules. Also the inadmissibility of spoiled and low-quality food, as they believe that along with the food they throw away the money spent on them. A food safety management system ensures food safety in the food chain starting from farm to fork, but it is imperative to spread knowledge of these issues in order to maintain food hygiene standards and the safety of homemade preparations.
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Библиографические ссылки

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