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ცხვედიანი ნ. T. N., ციბაძე ა. T. A., ჩიკვაიძე ე. C. E., კვაჭაძე ი. K. I., & ხუციშვილი ლ. K. L. (2019). SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTRUM OF DIFFERENT COLORS OF HAIR. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 49, 144–145. https://doi.org/10.52340/csw.2015.49.0.144-145


 In the result of  interaction of  the metabolic processes of the human organism and external factors free radicals are formed  in tissues including hair. An objective assessment of an intensity of this process is possible by means of electronic  paramagnetic resonance’s (EPR) signal and its intensity indices. The purpose of the survey was a comparative evaluation of the EPR spectrum’s specificity of black and brown hair and a study of a photo dynamic in the condition of a treating with blue light. The survey was conducted among young volunteers  of age 17-21  on the base of their informed consent and with adherence of all bioethical requirements established for this type of research. No single person’s hair  involved  in the survey  was treated with chemical dye or active, specific remedy for hair care. This article analyzes data of  young men donors. All measurements were carried out at standard conditions: room temperature (22-240C), humidity - 60-70%, the measurement error - ± 5%. EPR spectrum was determined at the Department of Biophysics,TSU by means of a radio-spectrometer TSR - V. Study  results have determined a uniform EPR spectrum and no difference in the intensity of the photoinduced EPR spectrum that indicates  the equal concentrations of eumelanin in black and brown hair.

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Библиографические ссылки

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