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ღონღაძე მ. G. M., ანთელავა ნ. A. N., ოკუჯავა მ. O. M., & პაჭკორია ქ. P. K. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF ACUTE HEPATITIS IN MICE USING SOLUTION OF ACETAMINOPHEN FOR INJECTION. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 49, 131–133.


The goal of the research was to define the dose of acetaminophen’s  solution for injection needed to develop the model of hepatitis in mice. Initialy  the preliminary testing was provided and the dose, which caused the lethality in the part of experimental animals was found. Intraperitoneal injection of 500 mg/kg acetaminophen did not caused the death in mice, the lethality after injection of 750 mg/kg was 33% and  use of 1000 mg/kg drug was the reason of lethal outcome in 100%. We choose intraperitoneal injection of 750 mg/kg of acetaminophen for induction of hepatitis. After identification of the toxic dose we learned its effect on the weight of the liver and biochemical indexes. Injection of the toxic dose of acetaminophen significantly increased the weight of the liver  (47%) and the biochemical markers indicating hepatocyte cytolyses  (ALT – 88%, AST – 91%), thus the experimental model of hepatitis was developed.  Based on the obtained data we can conclude, that intraperitoneal injection of 750 mg/kg solution of acetaminophen is recommended to create the experimental model of acute hepatitis in mice, which is useful for investigation of hepatoprotective activity of different drugs.
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Библиографические ссылки

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