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Darsania, T. (2021). THE SPREAD OF EATING BEHAVIOR FEATURES IN DIFFERENT AGE AND SOCIAL GROUPS. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 50, 47–50. извлечено от


Personal psychological features play an important role in formation of eating behavior. The goal of the study was to evaluate the psychological aspects of eating behavior of Georgian population. The study was carried out in Georgia. For the purpose of evaluation of psychological aspects ofeating behavior were selected five groups of Georgian pop50 ulation: refugees, students, teachers of public schools, peoplewith large incomes and retired people. We have studied psychological aspects of eating behavior of respondents.Definition of psychological aspects of eating behavior was performed on the basis of questionnaires. We carried outcross-sectional sociologic case study. Received data were analyzed by SPSS25 version. The structure of psychologicalaspects of eating behavior are significantly different in different age groups. The variations of eating behavior wererarely occurred in age group 60-65 (22,5%). The variations of eating behavior were very often occurred in age group30-39 (64,8%). On the basis of high frequency of psychological aspects of eating behavior being often occurred inpopulation (39,5%), it is necessary to implementation of low-consumable (low-budgetary) questionnaire methods todetermine the current changes and carry out their corrective measures.

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Библиографические ссылки

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