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გამყრელიძე ნ. G. N., პეტრიაშვილი თ. P. T., პავლიაშვილი ნ. P. N., ნამორაძე მ. N. M., & ოთარაშვილი რ. O. R. (2019). MICROCIRCULATION CHANGES IN CRUSH SYNDROME. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 49, 22–24. https://doi.org/10.52340/csw.2015.49.0.22-24


By using classical method  of crush syndrome modeling, experiments were carried out on  randomly chosen 50 white rats (200-250 gr)with  various degrees of  crush syndrome in compression and decompression periods. Microhemocirculation and microvascular adrenoreactivity was investigated in rats’ small intestine mesenteric arterioles by biomicroscope “Nikkon Labopot”. Microvascular adrenoreactivity was studied by means of pharmacological analysis, specifically  with the use of epinephrine on the basis of a- and b- adrenal re- ceptor blockers action.  The study results  revealed, that crush syndrome leads to microhemocirculation disturbances in mesenteric arterioles. It is obvious due to numerous changes in microhemocirculation, microvessels diameter, blood flow linear speed, adrenoreactive structures dysfunction. The severity of the changes correlates with compression and especially with decompression period duration and is directly related to a– and b- receptors dysfunction.  

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Библиографические ссылки

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