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Gvineria, I., Kverenchkhiladze, R., Gabriadze, N., Juruli, M., & Javakhadze, R. (2019). HEALTH RELATED ASPECTS OF CHEMICAL SAFETY: NEED FOR INFORMATION ON HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 51, 103–106.


According to the Strategic Approaches of International Chemical Management (SAICM), one of the most important problems for safe circulation of chemicals is to obtain comprehensive information about chemicals in the country, create informational portal and inform the population, especially the working population on hazardous chemicals. Aim of this study was to analyze information on health aspects related to hazardous chemicals in the country, to assess legislative basis, to develop mechanisms of data collection and exchange. The project was implemented with the support of the German Environment Agency (UBA). As a result of the research there were identified shortcomings in the problems of chemical safety in the country. Recommendations were made: to improve the legislative basis and to develop implementation mechanisms; to establish the analytical information center for the purpose of concentrating on priority information; to create the database in online mode in Georgian language; to strengthen the potential of the International Health Rules (IHR); to create the Toxicological Laboratory or improvement of the old laboratory; to implement GHC / CHP in the country.
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Библиографические ссылки

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