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Kobeshavidze, D., Chikviladze, D., Gachechiladze, K., Metreveli, D., & Mikeladze, M. (2019). MICROBIOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE OF CONJUNCTIVITIS IN NEWBORN. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 51, 68–69. https://doi.org/10.52340/csw.2017.51.68-69


Microbiological investigation was performed in cases of 40 newborns, with signs of conjunctivitis - for example lacrimation, in 33 newborns (82,5%). 36 microbiological strains of different species were isolated. Were isolated strains of S.aureus, S. epidermidis, S. cohnii, E. coli, E.faecalis, C. albicans. Microorganisms were isolated as mono cultures and also as different microbial associations. 21 microbial strains of different species (S.aureus, S.epidermidis, S. cohnii, E. coli) were isolated from 19 newborns (54,29%) of all 35 newborns without lacrimation. Microorganisms in these cases were isolated also as mono cultures and as different microbial associations. It must be mentioned, that in newborns with lacrimation, concentration of isolated microorganisms was higher (104 and more) compared to newborns without lacrimation. Received data gives us opportunity to assign conjunctivitis with lacrimation, hyperemia and conjunctival edema (and their different combinations) as prenosological forms.   

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Библиографические ссылки

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