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Kintsurashvili, L., & Mshvildadze, V. (2019). THE GALANTHAMINE CONTAINING PLANTS, GROWN AND INTRODUCED IN GEORGIA. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 51, 66–67.


For the aim of searching a new galanthamine containing plant, there were chemically studied the plants of Amaryllidaccae family, grown and introduced in Georgia: Galanthus Woronowii A.Los., Galanthus Krasnowii Hohrjakov, Galanthus Caucasicus Bacer A. Grossheim, Galanthus platyphyllus Taub et Moldenko., Leucojum aestivum L., Stenbergia colchiciflora waldst et kit, Pancratium maritimum L., Narcisus tazetta L., Crinum moorei Hook, Crinum asiaticum L., Crinum aloora L. Based on experimental researches, it is determined, that in the received alkaloids sum the main components are: galanthamine, lycorine, tacitine, galanthine, galanthusine, demethylgomolycorine, gemathamine. By study of galanthamine accumulation dynamics during vegetation it is established, that its content reaches the maximum, in bulbs at the end of vegetation (0.05-0.25 %). Except Leucojum aestivum, in which the maximum is at the beginning of vegetation – 0.17 %. From alkaloids sum, which was received from underground parts of Galanthus woronowii A.Los, was shown specific cytotoxic activity against cell cultures A-549 (lung carcinoma) and DLD-1 (gut adenocarcinoma). Based on results of researches, Galanthus Krasnowii, Leucojum aestivum L., Narcissus tazetta, Galanthus Woronowii are recommended as a raw material for obtaining of galanthamine.
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Библиографические ссылки

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6. М. Д. Машковский. Лекарственные средства. Москва. “Новая волна.”2005. с.199.


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