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თავზარაშვილი ი. T. I., ბექაური ლ. B. L., გვაზავა ნ. G. N., & ჩიხლაძე რ. C. R. (2019). CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL FORMS OF THE BONE CYSTS. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 49, 60–61.


Based on postoperational tissues as well as macro and micromorphologic studies we decided to distinguish one chamber, two chamber and multi chamber (three or more chambers) cysts and the ratio between them with 99% of the relativity is 1:1:2. These bone cysts are differentiated from each other with the content. One chamber cysts can be hollow,or fluid or containing solid content. The ratio between these forms with 99% relativity is defined as 1:1:2. The studies of the two chamber cysts showed that their content could be represented as the hollow, fluid, solid or mixed type. The ration between them with the 99% of the relativity is 1:1:1:4. The multi chamber cyst studies defined their content as hollow, fluid, solid or mixed type and the ratio between them with 99% of relativity is 1:1:1:10. Defining the two chamber cyst as the separate form is caused because of the opinion that these forms should and could be operated with less invasive methods.


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