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Chikviladze, T., Khinchiasvili, G., Tskhadadze, S., Jorjikia, M., & Otarashvili, T. (2023). DETERMINATION OF CLOPIDOGREL IMPURITIES IN STAZEX 75MG TABLETES. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 56, 169–171. Retrieved from


Atherothrombotic complications - heart attack and stroke - are one of the main causes of disability and death of the world’s population. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of atherothrombosis is a necessary condition for prolonging the life of patients with cardiovascular system and improving the quality of life. A representative of the second generation of thienopyridines – Clopidogrel, is one of the most popular antiplatelet drugs in modern clinical practice. Clopidogrel 75 mg tablets under the brand name STAZEX are produced by the Georgian pharmaceutical enterprise “GMP”. Qualitative and quantitative determination of impurities in STAZEX is an actual issue, since it is a guarantee of its quality, therefore, effectiveness and safety. The authors determined individual and total impurities of clopidogrel in Stazex 75 mg tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography. As a result of determination of individual impurity and the sum of impurities, impurity A was found to be 1.2% (norm £ 1.2%). impurity b, - 0.5% (norm £  0.5%). The impurity is 0.394% (norm £ 1.5). The use of the developed methodology is recommended for quality assurance and control of STAZEX and clopidogrel containing other tablets, as well as for scientific or practical research.



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