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თომაძე გ. T. G., მეგრელაძე ა. M. A., აზმაიფარაშვილი გ. A. G., სესიტაშვილი თ. S. T., & დანელია გ. D. G. (2019). THE RARE CASE OF LIVER INCARCERATION IN VENTRAL HERNIA. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 49, 65–67.


The rare case of herniated liver incarceration is described. 85 years old woman admitted in emergency department of general surgery clinic was complaining of severe abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant. Ventral hernia developed in patient 20 years ago. The pain started 4 hours before admission to the clinic. Abdominal ultrasound revealed hernia in the hernial sac. X-ray revealed signs of intestinal ileus. Patient was operated urgently under the general anesthesia. Was found incarceration of the left lobe of the liver and of a loop of small intestine. After dissection of hernia ring liver and incarcerated loop of small intestine became normal. No need for resection. Hernioplasty by Sapezhko was performed. Patient discharged without complications. The presented case is interesting because of rarity.


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