Legal regulation of the use of audio description in the process of teaching people with visual impairment
teaching process, legal regulation, audio description, visually impaired person, person with special educational needsAbstract
The article deals with the purpose of audio description and its place in the legislation and describes the current situation in Georgia around it, which is the basis for discovering certain types of problems and challenges. It should be noted that the use of audio description in the educational process has not yet been properly introduced. which is caused by its novelty. In order to further improve the use of this means, it is desirable to evaluate the effectiveness of the already performed activities and implement the necessary changes based on the evaluation. The paper uses the method of dogmatic legal research, through which the research of legal norms in the sources to be studied about the issue is carried out. This method involves the study of legal norms and the detection of flaws in them. The socio-legal research method is also used, the effectiveness of legal norms related to the topic, legal awareness, and culture are investigated. Together with the method of socio-legal research, the work uses the means of interpretation and explanation of texts, understanding - hermeneutics. The method of searching and sorting Internet resources is also used. As a result of all this, it was determined what kind of problems we face when using audio description and how important its legal regulation is. The study of information about audio description made it possible to make several conclusions, based on which several recommendations were made. First of all, it should be noted that the awareness of the named aid is low, which reduces the frequency of its use. In order to make the use of audio description mandatory, information about it should be recorded in the norms of appropriate legislative acts. Legitimation will not be enough if we do not provide the relevant persons with the necessary knowledge for the correct use of audio description, for this it is important to provide training to the representatives of the educational field, which will be focused on getting to know the specifics of the use of audio description and to teach the academic staff the technique of its easy use, so that each of them can make this tool a part of their daily life.
გაეროს შეზღუდული შესაძლებლობის მქონე პირთა უფლებების კონვენცია, მუხლი 2, (02.01.2023)
ჯონსენი, ბ.ჰ. სკორტენი, მ.დ. ინკლუზიური განათლება, მთარგმნელი მ. ჯიქია; რედაქტორი მ.ხარებავა; თბილისი; 2011, გვ. 20
ბაგრატიონი-გრუზინსკი, მ. კვაჭაძე, ჟ. ლორთქიფანიძე, რ. გაჩეჩილაძე, ნ. გზამკვლევი მასწავლებელთათვის „სასწავლო აქტივობები ყველასათვის“, გვ.39] (02.01.2023)
ზოგადი განათლების შესახებ საქართველოს კანონი, (02.01.2023)
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