Perfection of the essence of commercial banks' activity - "Operation", "Product" and "Service" and the problem of forming the Author's seven approaches to their judgment

Perfection of the essence of commercial banks' activity - "Operation", "Product" and "Service" and the problem of forming the Author's seven approaches to their judgment




Financial Assets, Innovation Investment, Bank Credit, Debt Service, Return on investment


  The paper discusses the modern service and capital market opportunities for the creation of a banking products sales system, the main trends in the development of the national economy system, and theoretical studies of the potential demand of clients. Three main stages of service theories have been established: the first stage - the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century; the second stage - the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century; The third stage - from 1991 of the 20th century to the present day.

Attention is focused on a number of problems in the theory of banking services, such as: The peculiarities of using the experience of Western banks in the modern Georgian market, banking services in the capital and securities market, banking services using the latest banking technologies are studied in insufficient detail, and a number of objective reasons are indicated, such as: the closure of information and Inaccessibility, the presence of predominantly common characteristics and recommendations in Western sources.

Based on world experience in international and Georgian banking practice, the development of commercial banks' activity - operation, product and service trends and perfecting the concepts and the authors' seven approaches to their judgment, such as: Monetary, Operational-technological, Legal, Service, Indefinite, Consequential, Service-Operational. It is indicated that the banking product is a complex of interconnected services and operations of "Commercial Bank". It is noted that banking services are technical, technological, financial, intellectual and professional types of activities accompanying and optimizing banking operations provided by "Commercial Bank" to clients.


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Author Biographies

Giorgi Tsaava, Georgian Technical University


Rati Burdiashvili, Georgian Technical University


Ani Bibiluri, Georgian Technical University

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Tsaava, G., Burdiashvili, R., & Bibiluri, A. (2024). Perfection of the essence of commercial banks’ activity - "Operation", "Product" and "Service" and the problem of forming the Author’s seven approaches to their judgment. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 8(2).


