მდგრადი განვითარების ESG ფაქტორები ტურისტულ ბიზნესსა და საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამებში

მდგრადი განვითარების ESG ფაქტორები ტურისტულ ბიზნესსა და საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამებში


  • Konstantine Abuladze




ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) factors, ESG and sustainable development, ESG and business, ESG and education, stakeholder concept, stakeholder theory, the third mission of the university


The purpose of the study is to promote the actualization of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) factors in the tourism business and the modification of the educational programs of the tourism specialty of Georgian higher education institutions, through the application of the principles of sustainable development.

The article presents a brief retrospective of the application of the principles of sustainable development in business, the importance of the ratio of ESG factors as a necessary prerequisite for economic pragmatism and social responsibility of business. Directions for the use of sustainable development factors in educational programs for the training of tourism specialists are defined.

In this regard, in order to study the current situation in our country, the following research methods have been used: observation, interview, focus groups, qualitative information analysis, expert forecasting research.


  • Sustainable development is possible only in conditions where equal attention is paid to ecological, social and economic problems.
  • Higher education, scientific research and innovation are crucial for social integrity, economic growth and global competitiveness.
  • There are contradictions between the necessity of forming a modern system of education and the training of tourism specialists, academic programs focused on sustainable development.
  • The most promising direction of training highly qualified specialists is the transformation of their professional skills and functions in the context of economic, social and environmental changes.

Research result: new, promising specialties, academic disciplines and short training courses in terms of sustainable development of tourism are proposed.


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How to Cite

Abuladze, K. (2024). მდგრადი განვითარების ESG ფაქტორები ტურისტულ ბიზნესსა და საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამებში. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.52340/spectri.2023.08.02.13


