Dynamic Cellular Equilibrium Theory of Aging: Integrating Maintenance and Accumulation in the Aging Process

Dynamic Cellular Equilibrium Theory of Aging: Integrating Maintenance and Accumulation in the Aging Process


  • David Aphkhazava Alte University
  • Nodar Sulashvili David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia image/svg+xml
  • Tamar Tupinashvili David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia image/svg+xml
  • Maia Nozadze U.S. Army Medical Research Directorate-Georgia




aging, cellular maintenance, damage accumulation, genetics, epigenetics, environment, stochastic events, adaptive responses


 The Dynamic Cellular Equilibrium Theory of Aging introduces a comprehensive framework to comprehend the complex mechanisms governing the aging process. This theory posits that aging results from the disruption of delicate balance between cellular upkeep mechanisms and the accrual of cellular damage, all regulated by an interplay of genetic, epigenetic, environmental, and stochastic factors. Within this article, an in-depth exploration of the theory is conducted, encompassing diverse aspects such as the dynamics of cellular maintenance, the intricacies of damage accumulation, the sway of genetic and epigenetic forces, the influence exerted by environmental and lifestyle elements, the stochastic characteristics characterizing aging, along with the cellular adaptive retorts to these influences. By drawing upon pertinent scientific literature, this theory not only provides profound insights into the aging process but also furnishes valuable implications for interventions that strive to cultivate healthy aging and protract the human lifespan. The profound impact of genetic and epigenetic influences on the aging is discussed, the theory unraveling the importance of genes and epigenetic marks that choreograph the symphony of aging. Moreover, there is considered the pervasive role of environmental factors, encompassing lifestyle choices, diet, and exposure to toxins, is expounded upon, underscoring their potent role in shaping the aging process. Incorporating the stochastic element of chance events into the narrative of aging, this theory acknowledges the role of random occurrences in the gradual unfolding of cellular degeneration. Furthermore, the remarkable resilience of cells, reflected through adaptive responses, is elucidated, demonstrating the remarkable plasticity cells exhibit in the face of various aging-related challenges.


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Author Biographies

David Aphkhazava, Alte University

Associate Professor

Nodar Sulashvili, David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia

Associate Professor

Tamar Tupinashvili, David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia



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How to Cite

Aphkhazava, D., Sulashvili, N., Tupinashvili, T., & Nozadze, M. (2024). Dynamic Cellular Equilibrium Theory of Aging: Integrating Maintenance and Accumulation in the Aging Process. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.52340/spectri.2023.08.02.03


