About diagnostic of dislocation process during temporal lobe tumors

About diagnostic of dislocation process during temporal lobe tumors


  • Ioseb Gvazava David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia image/svg+xml
  • G. Gvazava Neurosurgical Clinic of Tbilisi I-st Clinical Hospital, Tbilisi, Georgia




Background : Temporal lobe tumors are characterized by high rate of dislocation, which mostly watch in medio-basal localization of tumors in limits of temporal lobe share. It’s depened on  topografilly nearest of medio-basal part of temporal lobe to Pachion hole.  The gravity of brain herniation is de-termined by the rate of exhaustion of  brain’s  compensatory reserves.

Aim :  The aim of our research is to study clinic-morphological and  rentgeno-diagnostic features of dis-location process during the  temporal lobe tumors for definition optimal surgical treatment.

Methods : We studied 85 sectional cases  of dislocation process during temporal lobe tumors – 53 males  and 32 famales. Besides  of  morphological investigations  were investigated the changes of stem and supplemented by modern rentgenocontrast  researches, such as  CT, MRT and Angiography.

Results : All cases of temporo-tentorial herniation are taking with intracranial pressure, which is capacity mexanism for development of dislocation  process. In this  process often took  place stem’s displaced  to the opposite  side with wedging.  Very important is brain’s  swelling  in a phase of  rough decompensation , particularly  when it  was  impossible  total removal of  tumors. During dislocation caused by temporal tumors, local symptom preponderated over common symptoms difference to other hemisphere tumors.

Conclusion : The volume of dislocation depened on the tumor’s  mass, the rate of  it’s growth, perifocal swelling, tumor’s  histogenesis and intralobular localization in limits of temporal lobe share.                Dislocation mostly occurs in the group of malignant tumors  mainly localized in the medio-basal part of   the temporal lobe. Main pathomorphologacal sign temporo-tentorial herniation, stem wedge and sharpening  cerebral haemorrage  need  review.



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Author Biographies

Ioseb Gvazava, David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia

Associate professor

G. Gvazava, Neurosurgical Clinic of Tbilisi I-st Clinical Hospital, Tbilisi, Georgia



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How to Cite

Gvazava, I., & Gvazava, G. (2024). About diagnostic of dislocation process during temporal lobe tumors. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.52340/spectri.2023.08.02.02


