On the scientific article: Legal Regulation of Auction in Enforcement Legislation

On the scientific article: Legal Regulation of Auction in Enforcement Legislation


  • Nana Rostomashvili David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia image/svg+xml




Enforcement regulation, legal assessment, auction


          The law of Georgia on „Enforcement Proceedings" underwent a fundamental reform through which the Georgian enforcement law system moved to a qualitatively new arrangement model, although the regulatory norms governing compulsory auctions still remain a problematic issue. The present scientific article discusses the legal assessment of existing regulation of Georgian enforcement law. In addition, problematic issues related to the auction that appear in practice are also presented, including pros and cons of the regulating norms of the mentioned issue. The article also presents the experience of foreign countries with regard to compulsory auction rules. At the end, it should be outlined that existing Georgian scientific doctrine does not provide much information regarding the discussed problem in the article, therefore, the scientific analysis of the issue and proposed problem solving ways will hopefully also lead to the necessary legislative changes.


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Author Biography

Nana Rostomashvili, David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia

PhD student


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How to Cite

Rostomashvili, N. (2023). On the scientific article: Legal Regulation of Auction in Enforcement Legislation. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 1. https://doi.org/10.52340/spectri.2023.14


