"Writer’s Journalism" and its Historical Principles

"Writer’s Journalism" and its Historical Principles





მწერლური პუბლიცისტიკა, პუბლიცისტი, პუბლიცისტიკა, ლიტერატურა, მწერალი, კლასიკოსი


             The distinguishing feature of the modern era - "the era  of the explosion of scientific and technical progress" - is that the volume, possession, dissemination of information reaches unprecedented levels. The vital importance of information "intruded"  more and more  into the daily life of people, into the spheres of socio-political life. Information changes the world. In the period of contemporary transformations of our life, in the age of "information wars", the word acquires a magical power, and the oral and written communication between people shows an invaluable potential. In this general background, within the framework of the legal space of freedom of speech and expression in our country, journalism is regaining its mission: with opinion columns, editorial speeches, public words, so-called  blogs.  So far, only in terms of forms, but in content and ethical standards we are still far from the desired. The term  "writerly journalism" is not new, but not that  old either, it basically refers to journalistic writings created by writers. Literary journalism fills and strengthens the space of the writer's creative thinking, gives him/her an opportunity to openly express what he/she has to say in the form of documentary prose, beyond  the  purely literary thinking.  The history of Georgian public thought has a great creative tradition of "written journalism". The term is relatively new,  otherwise the event is  completely natural for the Georgian reality. The best examples of journalism belong to the pen of our classic writers, and it is they who think  through  the paradigms of  "writing journalism": Vazha-Pshavela, Ilia Chavchavadze, Akaki Tsereteli. The ideas of Otar Chiladze and Jemal Karchkhadze are the paradigms of publicistic writing  of our time in the 20th century. Their reasoning, reflected in the dialogues, is exclusively literary. This unique material, captured by historical memory, will serve as a model for journalism students; Perhaps it will be of interest to writer-journalists  in the format of opinion and analysis, as well as to  those interested in publicistic issues  and  history  in general.


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Author Biography

Marine Lomidze, David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia

Doctor of Journalism, Professor


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ილია ჭავჭავაძე. რჩეული ნაწარმოებები ხუთ ტომად. ტ. 3. გამომცემლობა ,,საბჭოთა საქართველო“, თბილისი, 1986.

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How to Cite

Lomidze, M. (2023). "Writer’s Journalism" and its Historical Principles. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 1. https://doi.org/10.52340/spectri.2023.13


