The formation of audiovisual culture and its technological advances

The formation of audiovisual culture and its technological advances


  • Tea Chanturia The Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University



Audiovisual culture, technological transformations, online platforms, virtual reality


The topic of our discussion today is the development of audiovisual culture and its technological advances in order to analyze audiovisual creativity, its specifics, types, genres, screen types, capabilities, mission, functions, Interaction with the public, scale of power, transformation. It is necessary to consider the genesis of audiovisual culture and the laws of its technological development.From our research we can conclude that the screen is the face of the universe, shaping its own culture, creating new ideas about life events, interpreting and correcting them according to place and time, as a kind of productive phenomenon. It is a kind of medium between reality and virtual reality, which can travel us from the real world to the virtual and at the same time, always control the pulse of current social processes. Human existence in the modern environment depends on the screen. A wide range of applications defined the vector of the formation of new social reality, the virtualization of social life and the creation of preconditions for human global issues.As for technology, there is no area of ​​individual and social life in which technology does not play a significant role: in the workplace, at home, in cultural life, in learning, in games and sports, in tourism, in healthcare, in scientific research, and so on. Man lives in a specially structured technical environment that creates a relatively independent "Third World" next to the interpersonal world and the natural environment. Audiovisual technology ultimately represents the development of human productive forces and is part of human cultural development.


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Author Biography

Tea Chanturia, The Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University

PhD student


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How to Cite

Tea Chanturia. (2022). The formation of audiovisual culture and its technological advances. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 1.


