The importance of the formation, development and decentralization of local self-government in the reconstruction of the country

The importance of the formation, development and decentralization of local self-government in the reconstruction of the country


  • Sopo Chkopoia David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia



decentralization, State governance, Local self-government, Democratic principles


The principle of separation of powers still dates back to the Roman Empire, and then the idea was re-conceived and revised by John Locke and Charles Louis Montesquieu, which helped popularize the idea. Locke gave us his views on the necessity and importance of separation of powers in The Second Treatise on Civil Government (1690), which Montesquieu considered in the following works: The Persian Letters, The Spirit of Law, and the Causes of the Rise and Fall of Rome. “.The distribution of power in democracies is mainly based on two principles, vertically and horizontally. Vertical refers to central, regional, municipal, and district governments, while horizontal refers to legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.Proper and effective governance is possible only in a democratic society, which also helps to increase public confidence in the system of government and increases the legitimacy of the government (citizens do not have problems with public relations). It should also be noted that the decentralization of the country itself contributed to the redistribution of power, which meant a reduction of influence and legitimate power by individual political forces. The goal of local self-government is to improve the decentralization process and achieve better governance at the local level.


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Author Biography

Sopo Chkopoia, David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia

Associate professor


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How to Cite

Sopo Chkopoia. (2022). The importance of the formation, development and decentralization of local self-government in the reconstruction of the country. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 1.


