ვარიანტულობის ტიპოლოგია
https://doi.org/10.52340/gbsab.2024.51.10საკვანძო სიტყვები:
სიქრონია, დიაქრონია, პრაგმატიკა, ინვარიანტულობა, დინამიკა, ტრანსფორმაციაანოტაცია
Linguistic variability is a result that, at the same time, can be a precursor to the history of a language and a prerequisite for expected changes. Language changes and evolves in a never-ending process of creating different variants.
The communicative act is a product of linguistic variation. Every speech behavior is one concrete part of a person's life action. If there is a person as a socio-biological being, one of his characteristic features is active action, both towards the world and a certain group of people. Each speech act is a socially determined process based on the corresponding linguistic corpus and the mechanism of their selection.
ფ. სოსიური, ზოგადი ენათმეცნიერების კურსი. თბილისი: გამომცემლობა დიოგენე, 2002, 237გვ.
E. Cassirer, Die Kantischen Element in Wilhelm von Humboldts Sperachphilosophie. Festschrift f/ Paul Hensel, Eerlanguen – greiz, 1923.
W. von Humboldt, Ueber die versehiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einflub auf die geistige Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts, mit. Anm. und Excursen, sowine als einleitung: Wilhem von Humbolt und die Sprachwissenschaft, Hrsg. und. erl. von A.F. Pott, Berlin: 1880.
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