დამოუკიდებელი საქართველოს ანექსია საბჭოთა რუსეთის მიერ და პირველი შეიარაღებული გამოსვლები
The work shows armed protests that began several months after the annexation of independent Georgia by Soviet Russia. The reason for these events was the loss of Georgia’s independence, the alienation of its historic territories and brutal repression. The rebellion first started in Svaneti and soon almost all Georgia was covered. The new government-revolutionary committee of Georgia, by resolution of October 7, 1921, created special purpose units, which should strongly suppress anti-Soviet speech. The Svaneti uprising has caused great international resonance. Despite its failure, it has been of great importance, because it was in the vanguard of the National Liberation Movement of the 1920s. The defeat of the urpising was followed by severe repression by the Bolshevik authorities. The revolts in Khevsureti, Tusheti, Pshavi, Kakheti, Kartli, Guria olsou caused great resonance. The failure was caused by the local nature of the battles and the disagreements that arose between the parties. If the National Democrats were supportive of the struggle, the Social Democrats would rather be in favor of an agreement with the Bolsheviks. Despite the defeat, there was preparation for a larger uprising in Georgia, but unfortunately they did not take into account past mistakes. It was impossible to overthrow the Soviet government even in the event of a general uprising. Even if the rebellion were to succeed, they could not survive without the help of Europe, because Europe would not easily intervene in the struggle against Greater Russia. One solution remained to draw the attention of the great European countries to the rebellion and hope for their help.
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იქვე, გვ. 129.
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იქვე, გვ. 23.
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