New redistribution of the South Caucasus - Russia's modern dilemma

New redistribution of the South Caucasus - Russia's modern dilemma




Russia, South Caucasus, politics


Russia’s traditional accents of national narrative, which has become more aggressive lately, appear in the rhetoric of Putin and other Russian leaders and significantly determines the political agenda of the states subordinate to it. Official Moscow is effectively bringing them into its own “system orbit” in order to extend its influence “from leadership to dominance”. Historically, Russian empire tried by all means to bring the region of the South Caucasus under his influence, since the mentioned region, due to its unique geographical location, was of increasing importance to it. Thus, the South Caucasus factor carried a special burden for the Russian Imperial Court, and maintaining control over it was one of its top priorities.


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Author Biography

Ketevan Jojishvili, Caucasus International University

Doctor of Political Science


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How to Cite

Jojishvili, K. (2023). New redistribution of the South Caucasus - Russia’s modern dilemma. Georgian Academy of Business Sciences "Moambe", (49), 37–42.


