quality, quality founders, Quality inspectors, customer needs, quality standardAbstract
The article - "A little bit about quality and the fundamentals of quality" - presents the scientists of the XIX century and the XX century period, who made a great contribution to the scientific study and development of the quality phenomenon and, most importantly, to the strengthening of the then businessmen in terms of quality care. This happened in the USA, Japan and Western European countries. These scientists were called the founders of quality by the world community. These are: Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Philip Crosby, Avedis Donabedian and others. The article briefly describes their merits in the field of quality and the success of a number of companies by implementing their recommendations. In addition, the article presents various definitions of quality as a concept, determinants of quality, customer needs as the basis of quality, etc. Sh. Differences in the attitudes of the population of low-income and high-income countries towards quality are also given - high-income people prefer quality goods, and low-income people prefer cheap goods. The behavior of 5% of consumers from the low-income segment of Georgia has been highlighted, which was manifested in the purchase of high-quality and expensive goods despite their low income. The author of the article called it a symptom of "overestimation of priorities" in this segment of the population.
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