Effectiveness of social advertising messages during the Covid pandemic, Analysis of theory-based advertising campaigns

Effectiveness of social advertising messages during the Covid pandemic, Analysis of theory-based advertising campaigns





Covid-pandemic, Crisis, Communication, Social advertising messages


      Since the beginning of 2020, the world's most acute crisis caused by the global pandemic has been revealed.  Society has been vulnerable to a global crisis. The role of communication has increased. Information technology has made it possible to mitigate the negative impact of the crisis through social advertising messages. According to the researchers, the destructive nature of the crisis forces society to wake up and reveal unexpected and non-standard elements of management and response. Thus, some researchers perceive the crisis not as an extreme situation that damages social, political and state structures, but perceive the crisis as an organic part of the life cycle and the ability to become stronger and more viable. Crisis communication plays the main role in crisis management. Communication is an activity aimed at establishing an effective relationship between an organization and its community to maintain a stable reputation. The function of crisis communication management is performed by public relations, which not only provides information but also connects various structures. The paper presents research theories and methods based on the following sociological theories of science: Pierre Bourdieu-French sociologist; Thomas Luckman - German sociologist and philosopher; Jürgen Habermas - German sociologist, and political scientist; Ruth Vodak - English professor and researcher of political discourse


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina Chalaganidze, Caucasus International University

Student of the mass communication doctoral educational program of the Faculty of Social and Humanities of the Caucasus International University

Khatuna Kacharava, Caucasus International University

Professor of the  Faculty of Social and Humanities


პიერ ბურდიეს სოციოლოგიური თეორია

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კანონი რეკლამის შესახებ https://www.matsne.gov.ge/ka/document/view/31840?publication=31




How to Cite

Chalaganidze, E., & Kacharava, K. (2024). Effectiveness of social advertising messages during the Covid pandemic, Analysis of theory-based advertising campaigns. Georgian Academy of Business Sciences "Moambe", (52), 25–35. https://doi.org/10.52340/gbsab.2024.52.04


