კულტურული მეკვიდრეობის პოტენციალის ეფექტურობა ბიზნეს გარემოს ფორმირებისათვის

კულტურული მეკვიდრეობის პოტენციალის ეფექტურობა ბიზნეს გარემოს ფორმირებისათვის





კულტურა, მემეკვიდრეობა, კულტურული მემკვიდრეობა, კულტურული ინდუსტრია, შემოქმდებითი ინდუსტრიები


The article discusses the modern vision of the potential of culture and cultural heritage and the possibilities of integrating the field of culture and cultural heritage into the overall development of the country. These issues are the most important challenges in the conditions of our country and in today's situation it is far behind the examples of the developed countries of the world. In the advanced economies of the world, the sphere of culture and among them, especially the entrepreneurship based on cultural heritage - the same creative entrepreneurship as the pace of job creation and development. It is not equal to the leading branches of industry in the creation of a common economic state, and in many cases it is a source of new inspiration for development and a creator of content. It is significant that the term used to describe economic processes in the field of culture in the world's powerful economies - cultural entrepreneurship still evokes unclear associations in us, and the underestimation of the potential of the field of culture, the potential of the contribution to the development of the state in relation to this field is completely neglected, and the field itself is still only a subsidized segment. is considered Considering that the greatest resource of our country is culture and cultural heritage, it is necessary to accurately assess the potential of this field and to initiate the most important process for integrating it into the development of the country. Special attention is paid to support for the correct conduct of this process - when cultural heritage is not only a defining value of self-identification, but also a powerful economic factor. Based on a specific example, we will consider what influence the potential of culture and cultural heritage can have on the economic development of a specific city, and under the conditions of sustainable development, of the country and the country.


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Author Biography

Maia Jambazishvili, Georgian Technical University

დოქტორანტი, ბიზნესტექნოლოგიების ფაკულტეტი


Creative Industries Economic Estimates: Statistical Release – Department for Culture, Media and Sport of the UK, January 2015

The economic contribution of the creative industries to EU GDP and employment – Tera Consultant, September 2014

Building a Creative Nation: Evidence Review – Creative & Cultural Skills, 2014

Creating growth. Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EU – GECAS, December 2014

Facts & Figures – the economic contribution of the creative and cultural sectors

The value of the creative industries & culture – Private Investment in Culture 2007/08Pogue, David (November 4, 2009). "A Place to Put Your Apps". New York Times. Retrieved January 22, 2013.







How to Cite

Jambazishvili, M. (2024). კულტურული მეკვიდრეობის პოტენციალის ეფექტურობა ბიზნეს გარემოს ფორმირებისათვის. Georgian Academy of Business Sciences "Moambe", (51). https://doi.org/10.52340/gbsab.2024.51.15


