The role of social media in Crisis Communication - challenges of professional media

The role of social media in Crisis Communication - challenges of professional media




Crisis Communication, Social media, Professional media, Classical media, BBC


There are four main pillars of crisis communication - crisis, communication, social media and media. The greatest contribution of professional media in crisis communication is not only because "the medium is the message" or "the cultural memory of our society"! It doesn't matter if we believe the reality offered by the professional media (which is often based on assumptions), it is the most powerful and influential communication tool that has the leverage to balance the power of social media.

From this perspective, when any media includes multimedia content, the article refers to the media as "classical media". Classical media is not only an interested party in crisis communication, it is part of the business world and crises are inevitable for it. How does the media behave in a crisis? - To illustrate this, the article discusses the BBC's 2012 "Savile Case" and evaluates the features of the media crisis.

But effective communication with Classican (professional) media alone does not determine the success of crisis communication. The reciprocity of communication has turned users of social networks from passive recipients of information into observers and participants of crisis communication. Therefore, the paper discusses the need for a complex approach to internal and external communication with employees, direct customers, partners, other stakeholders and the digital audience itself.


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Author Biographies

Khatuna Kacharava, Caucasus International University

Professor of the  Faculty of Social and Humanities

Pati Mamiashvili, Caucasus International University

Crisis Communication researcher, doctoral student of the mass communication doctoral educational program of the Faculty of Social and Humanities of the Caucasus International University


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How to Cite

Kacharava, K., & Mamiashvili, P. (2024). The role of social media in Crisis Communication - challenges of professional media. Georgian Academy of Business Sciences "Moambe", (51).


