Terms of Review of Scientific Articles Submitted for Publication in the International Scientific Journal "Caucasus & World"

 These terms of reference shall define the procedures for the operation of the Editorial Board.


  • Publication of scientific papers in the International Scientific Journal "Caucasus and the World" (hereinafter referred to as "Editorial Board") provides the following procedure for reviewing of author's original articles and requirements to the reviews received by the Editorial Board.
  • Refereeing ( expert evaluation) of manuscripts of scientific articles in the editorial board is carried out for the purpose of selection of the most valuable and relevant scientific papers.
  • All materials submitted for publication in the journal are subject to reviewing.
  • Editor-in-Chief - a person who heads the editorial board and makes final decisions regarding the production and publication of the journal.
  • The editor serves as a person who accepts papers for the journal, coordinates the review process, checks for plagiarism, and prepares the journal for publication.
  • Editorial board - advisory body of a group of authoritative persons, which assists the chief editor in the selection, preparation and evaluation of works for publication.
  • International Editorial Board - established to ensure the high scientific level of the international scientific journal "Caucasus and World" and its promotion in the international scientific community. Representation of the Journal in scientific circles and educational institutions, state bodies, public associations, mass media and other organisations in order to increase the recognition of the Journal and citation of the publications, as well as for effective functioning in the unified global scientific information and communication space of scientists from all countries of the world.
  • Referee - an expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal who conducts scientific expertise of author's materials in order to determine the possibility of their publication.
  • Refereeing - procedure of reviewing and expert evaluation by reviewers of a scientific article proposed for publication in order to determine the appropriateness of its publication.
  • Editorial Board checks all articles through the system "Anti-plagiarism". If the originality of the text is below 50% the article is sent to the author for revision with appropriate justification or is rejected.
  • The reviewer considers the article sent to him within ten days to the editorial board a duly executed review, or a reasoned refusal of reviewing.

1.12 Based on the available referees and recommendations at the meeting of the editorial board one of the following decisions is made: In case of positive conclusion of all reviewers the manuscript is approved for publication in one of the journal issues. In case of disagreement of reviewers, the final decision on publication of the article manuscript is made by the chief editor.

1.13 According to the results of refereeing the referee makes one of the following decisions for consideration of the editorial board of the journal:

 - the article may be published without corrections;

- the article may be published only with corrections;

- the article cannot be published.


2.1 The editorial board recommends using the following form when referring to the peer review


Title of the manuscript:




1. Relevance of the content of the paper to the relevant branch of science and to the journal heading (a negative answer precludes publication)



2. Does the title reflect the content of the work



3.The importance of the work for the further development of science



4.Scientific novelty of the topic under study



5.The author(s)' knowledge of scientific methods



6. Reasonableness of the results



7. Appropriateness of the conclusions and their consistency with the content of the work



8. Assign the total number of points for the article on a 100-point scale, based on the principle:

80-100 points - article of high quality

60-79 points - article of medium quality

50-59 points - article of low quality, can only be published after revision

0-49 points - an article of very low quality, cannot be published even in the case of revision.



 The referee will attach his/her comments to the research paper.

In agreement with the editor-in-chief a free-form review is possible.