National Identity as the Basis for the Legitimacy of Nation States


  • Nodira Alimukhamedova Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization-National Research University (TIIAME-NRU) (Republic of Uzbekistan)
  • Marina Izoria Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the University. David Agmashenebeli(Georgia) National Identity as the Basis for the Legitimacy of Nation States



identification, identity, self-awareness, culture, national values, globalization, human values


The article deals with the aggravation of global, geopolitical, ethnic, national problems in the context of the integration processes of globalization. The globalization of the main spheres of society's life is gradually erasing traditional boundaries, integration processes lead to a merger of cultures, and this has given rise to the threat of losing "identity" and the relevance of preserving national identity, traditions and values, their culture and language have led to the rise of nationalism, and the growth of national self-awareness worldwide. Today, the growth of national identity has become the most important issue as a means of protection against this situation.National identity is the basis of the legitimacy of nation-states, it forms and strengthens the citizens' idea of the unity of historical destiny, and as long as there is a sense of the unity of the nation and cultural identity, there is a nation.The nature, scope, intensity of identification, the ability to direct and mobilize people is a social source in the development of society, and the formation of civic identity is a condition for maintaining the integrity of the state and the stability of society. National values, national ideals, capable of recreating national identity, forming national pride, which serve as a program that guides and regulates the behaviours of members of society, require special studies of the development of national ideology.


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How to Cite

Nodira Alimukhamedova, & Marina Izoria. (2022). National Identity as the Basis for the Legitimacy of Nation States. International Scientific Journal "The Caucasus and the World", (24), 47–52.


