Some Issues of Education and Upbringing in the Middle Ages


  • Nargiza Gamisonia Sukhumi State University


Ключевые слова:

Education, upbringing, Christianity, Islam, cultural centers, ideology of education


The formation of the educational system in medieval Europe was a necessary element of the evolution of the culture of that time and was conditioned by many complex social factors and problems of the era: tensions in relations between secular and religious authorities, centralization of the state, growth of cities and the needs of public life, development of the Church. In general, it should be recognized that educational centers and the union of scholars focused on the search for truth acquired a special social status. Scholars demonstrated not only a passion for abstract philosophical research, but also the real social power of their guild; they laid the intellectual and legal foundations of medieval urban society. In this sense, the university remains a symbol of high morality, faith in science and devotion to truth.


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Биография автора

Nargiza Gamisonia, Sukhumi State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Sukhumi State University (Georgia)

Библиографические ссылки

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. Documents on the History of European Universities of the 12th-15th Centuries. / Ed. G.I. Lipatnikova. Voronezh. 1973.

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THE CAUCASUS AND THE WORLD International Scientific Journal.Journal ISSN 1987 - 7293 E - ISSN 2720 - 832X. // International Scientific Journal THE CAUCASUS AND THE WORLD. DOI: №27, Tb., 2024




Как цитировать

Gamisonia, N. (2024). Some Issues of Education and Upbringing in the Middle Ages. Кавказ и Мир Международный научный журнал, (28), 74–83.


