Глобальные геополитические тенденции и современный характер мироустройства


  • Эсмира Джафарова





               The article describes the changing world order under the influence of global and regional socio-economic and military-political processes that took place at the beginning of the XXI century. The basic principles of the world order and the systems formed by geopolitical actors are analyzed. In the end, the conditions that form the fundamental foundations of the new world order are given.Geopolitics or geopolitical policy is the different ways of influencing an opponent or opposition entity in relation to the place, event and process in which the interests of military-political subjects collide. All the components involved in this policy are the defining factors of world politics.There are different approaches to the concept of "geopolitics" in social philosophy. When approached from the "paradigm of neorealism", it is assessed as interstate relations, and world politics is perceived as an interaction of unofficial actors, a confrontation between superpowers.

When global geopolitical trends are taking place and the new world order is based on modern requirements, unprecedented processes are taking place, and they add specific components to the nature of this order.

Thus, the principal foundations of the new world order are:

- diversity of political regimes;

- Refusal to forcibly impose ideological concepts of political institutions on other societies

- not to use global economic, financial, rating, information and other instruments in the implementation of national foreign policy;

- to guarantee the inviolability of the traditional borders of states recognized by authoritative international organizations and legal norms.



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Биография автора

Эсмира Джафарова

Доктор философии   по  политическим    наукам, доцент Мингечевирский Государственный Ууниверситет(Азербайджанская Республика)

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Джафарова, Э. (2024). Глобальные геополитические тенденции и современный характер мироустройства. Кавказ и Мир Международный научный журнал, (27), 67–70. https://doi.org/10.52340/isj.2024.27.10


