44-дневная Отечественная война в Азербайджанской прессе


  • Айнур Мамедова




         The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020 at 7:30 am reported that “the armed forces of Armenia carried out a large-scale provocation along the entire front” [4]. It became known that on that day at about 06:00, the Armenian armed forces launched a large-scale provocation from several directions in the front line from large-caliber weapons, including heavy artillery, fired at the positions of the Azerbaijani army and the settlements of the republic. As a result of intensive shelling by the enemy of the villages of Gapanly of the Terter region, Chiragly and Orta Garvand of the Aghdam region, Alkhanli and Shukurbeyli of the Fizuli region, Jojug Marjanly of the Jabrayil region, there are casualties and wounded among the civilian population, serious damage was caused to civilian infrastructure. In response to the start of such stupid military actions by Armenia, shelling of the positions of the Azerbaijani army and peaceful settlements, a counter-offensive operation began, which later received the name "Iron Fist" - the Patriotic War.  It should be noted that as early as September 3, 2020, the "president" of the "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" Arayik Harutyunyan called on citizens to prepare for war, and not for negotiations with Azerbaijan. This was reported by Sputnik Armenia [see: 16]. He stated that none of the known packages and agreements between Armenia and Azerbaijan is unacceptable to him. According to him, the Armenian side is not going to discuss options that could weaken the security of Karabakh. Ar-utyunyan was sure that the "republic" should strengthen the army: "Let's be realistic and get ready for war, and not discuss the topic of negotiations..." - he said. It should also be noted that Azerbaijani websites reported that “the divisions of the armed forces of Armenia violated the ceasefire regime 48 times during the day, using heavy machine guns and sniper rifles in different directions of the front.” As the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ordu.az reported, the press service of the Ministry of Defense disseminated information about this. It was reported that “from the positions located in the villages of Nerkin Karmiraghbur, Aygepar, Mozesgeh, Chinari and Aygedzor of the Berd region of Armenia, in the villages of Gajalli, Alibeyli, Aghdam, Kokhanabi, Asrik Jirdahan, Agbulag and Munjuglu of the Tovuz region, from the positions located in the village of Jil Chambarak region, on the nameless heights of the Gadabay region, our positions were under fire” [5]. The positions of our army were also fired from positions located near the villages of Novruzlu, Yusifjanly, Marzili, Garakhanbeyli, Horadiz of the Fuzuli region, as well as from nameless heights in the Goranboy and Terter regions. The advanced units of the Azerbaijan Army took retaliatory measures in order to prevent this provocation by the enemy and ensure the safety of the civilian population living in areas close to the line of confrontation between the troops. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, addressed the people in connection with these events on TV channels  and said: “I am sure that our successful counter-offensive operation will put an end to the occupation! This will put an end to injustice!” The appeal reported that recently the military provocations of Armenia against Azerbaijan have become regular, and noted that “Armenia is pursuing a policy of illegal settlement in the occupied territories. Recently, several families of Lebanese Armenians were settled in Nagorno-Karabakh, including in the ancient city of Azerbaijan - Shusha. This is a war crime. This is completely contrary to the Geneva Convention. Armenia will answer for this crime. This is another provocation against us. Settling in the occupied territories is considered a crime, and this policy has been carried out by Armenia for many years.” “In the occupied territories, Armenia carried out the tactics of scorched earth, and now we want to turn this land into a flowering garden again and return our refugees to their homes,” said Fuad Akhundov, head of the sector for working with foreign media and NGOs of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, noting that the participation of Armenian militants on the side of the armed formations is a terrorist activity. In the following days, the Azerbaijani troops were going to liberate the entire so-called "Nagorno-Karabakh", but this time the Russian leadership decided to interfere with this desire of Azerbaijan and late in the evening of November 9 - on Baku 10th, President of the Russian Federation V. Putin called President Ilham Aliyev and demanded to sign an agreement on the suspension of hostilities, consisting of 9 points. Preparing for this, Russia that night deployed “along the line of contact in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor its peacekeeping contingent in the amount of 1960 military personnel with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, 380 vehicles and special equipment”. After that, the Azerbaijani troops were forced to stop the fighting, because of which the Armenian army was saved from death. Thus, the 44-day war - the Patriotic War under the leadership of the Victorious President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the liberation of Karabakh was completed with the victory and defeat of the Armenian army.


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Биография автора

Айнур Мамедова

Института Истории имени А.А.Бакиханова Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана (Азербайджанская Республика)

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Как цитировать

Мамедова, А. (2023). 44-дневная Отечественная война в Азербайджанской прессе. Кавказ и Мир Международный научный журнал, (26). https://doi.org/10.52340/isj.2022.26.20


