Историко-правовое значение четырех резолюций Совета Безопасности
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the book of a famous statesman and polititian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, doctor of history, professor Hasan Aziz oglu Hasanov called the «Diplomacy under the cannonade. On the process of the adoption of the resolutions of the UN Security Council on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. 1992-1993» [- Baku: Red N Line, 2021. – 584 p. ISBN 978-9952-452-94-5]. The culprit of the book is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, that in 1992 became a full-blown aggression of the Republic of Armenia against Azerbaijan. The formation and activities of the first Azerbaijani doplomatic mission to the UN was characterized by the background of the relentless aggression of the Armenian armed forces against the Republic of Azerbaijan. The beginning of the work of the UN mission coincided with the capture of the city of Shusha by Armenians. Due to this fact, all the diplomatic work of the Azerbaijani mission was on the background of the cannonade. To brake through the isolation of Azerbaijan, through the information blockade that was created around it, to bring the truth about the conflict and ensure its diplomatic solutions - was the main goal that stood before the young mission of Azerbaijan. The article evaluates the coming to life of the first statements and resolutions of the UN Security Council on the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This work, based on the diplomatic practice, can assist the reader in the understanding and reflection on the dramatic entry of the young sovereign Azerbaijan into the international arena. Problematization and style of the article are equally accessible to the specialists as well as to the wider audiences.
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