
  • Ismail N. Khagani



Guba, Shimi valley, Krasnaya Sloboda, Hasangala, Sale, Urmia, Kokand, Crimea, Hungary, Jew, synagogue, Armenian, Dashnak, Nazi, genocide, Israel, Palestine, Greater Armenia


         In the article, the author highlights the tragic page in the history of the Armenian (Khaykan) political terror, ethnic “cleansing” and massacres committed by Armenians (Khaikans) and directed against the peaceful Jewish population, dating back to the 1st half of the 20th century. Based on archival materials from Azerbaijan, Turkey and Russia, the author presents new facts to the attention of readers and also highlights the bloody events that happened to the Jews in the shadow of the imperialist military operations of tsarist and Bolshevik Russia and sometimes the Entente against the Turkic peoples. We are talking about the genocide of the Jews, committed by the Armenian detachments, who joined the Russian army, during these operations. In another historical case, the Armenian groups in coalition with the anti-Turkic Assyrians had the support of the Entente. According to the historical facts of the author, these tragic events took place in the territory of the Ottoman Empire, Turkestan, Azerbaijan, Iran in 1916 and 1918. The next part of the tragic scenes in the article is the facts about the extermination of peaceful Jews in Hungary and Crimea by the Armenian Legion as part of the fascist army. The author, describing other atrocities and historical claims of the Armenians against the Jews, reveals deep links between the genocide of the Jews committed by the Armenians and the territorial, cultural claims of the Armenians against the Jews. The author of the article draws attention to a large number of different historical materials and reveals the behind-the-scenes facts of fake tears of Armenians about the Holocaust. Armenian nationalists, who historically consider themselves representatives of the cultural part of the world, in fact, in the light of historical evidence, their actions seem to be a society that "has the right" to trample on all values ​​for the mythical "Great Armenia".


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Author Biography

Ismail N. Khagani

Dissertation student of the Department of History of Azerbaijan

Khazar University, editor-in-chief of the journal "History and Culture" Republic of Azerbaijan


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How to Cite

Khagani, I. N. (2023). ACTS OF GENOCIDE COMMITTED BY ARMENIANS AGAINST THE JEWS AND HISTORICAL CLAIMS TO THEM (1st half of the 20th century). International Scientific Journal "The Caucasus and the World", (26).


