https://doi.org/10.52340/jecm.2021.551Ключевые слова:
Delphinium flexuosum, Delphinium speciosum Helleboraceae, alkaloids, methyllycaconitineАннотация
The research objects were underground and over ground parts of Delphinium speciosum Bieb and Delphinium flexuosum Bieb., which were collected in the Tsikisjvari, Georgia in different vegetation phases. According to the results of the study pharmacological active methyllycaconitine and lycoctonine are dominant basics of the total alkaloids in the underground and overground parts of Delphinium speciosum and Delphinium flexuosum, growing in Georgia.Based on the research it was suggested that the most reasonable period for collection is flowering phase for the overground parts and fructification phase for the underground parts of the above-mentioned species of Delphinium speciosum Bieb. and Delphinium flexuosum Bieb.
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