Lips are constantly experiencing adverse environmental factors such as: bacteria, viruses, infectious diseases, hygienic disorders, vitamins imbalance, toothpastes in high content of fluorine, etc. All this is clearly reflected on the visual side of the lip, and the naked eye easily seems defects. Despite the diversity of lip care products on the pharmaceutical and cosmetic market, this problem can not be radically solved and is a topical problem. Therefore, attention and scientific interest in practical cosmetology is aimed at creating new lip cosmetics that provides lip treatment, prevention and protection.Taking into consideration all of the above factors, our goal was to receive a lip balm that would help us to fight and prevent the environmental harm. Finally composed composition of lip balm and has been developed the technological scheme.was studied organoleptic, reological and physico-chemical properties of the prepared product: spread ability, homogeneous, hydrogen indicator -6, acid number -7,1, carbonyl number- 6,7, drops dropping tc ° -71,1° C, total number of dye substances and fillers -14,6%.
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