



cell death, bone fracture, vitality, forensic medicine, apoptosis


In forensic medicine, understanding cell death mechanisms is crucial for determining osteocyte viability and the timing of bone fractures. Differentiating between necrosis and apoptosis provides valuable insights into the cause of injury, while identifying mixed (hybrid) forms of cell death enhances the forensic analysis of bone fractures. Lysosome-dependent cell death and autolysis significantly impact post-mortem changes, influencing fracture hematoma characteristics and the process of determining fracture age.

This review summarizes current knowledge on cell death mechanisms and their forensic relevance. By examining the relationships between different forms of cell death, this article aims to improve the understanding of tissue responses to injury, which is essential for accurately determining the timing and vitality of bone fractures.


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How to Cite

GONASHVILI, M., KILASONIA, B., CHIKHLADZE, R., MOSIDZE, K., & BERIASHVILI, R. (2024). TYPES OF CELL DEATH AND THEIR EVALUATION IN DETERMINING THE VITALITY OF BONE FRACTURE. Experimental and Clinical Medicine Georgia, (5), 11–23. https://doi.org/10.52340/jecm.2024.05.02




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