
  • RUSUDAN JAVAKHADZE N. Makhviladze named S/R Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology
  • KHATUNA CHIGOGIDZE N. Makhviladze named S/R Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology
  • NANA KHATIASHVILI N. Makhviladze named S/R Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology
  • KHATUNA SHUBLADZE N. Makhviladze named S/R Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology
  • OLGA GVABERIDZE N. Makhviladze named S/R Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology




Occupational health risks in wine industry


People have been engaged in viticulture and winemaking since ancient times. Scientists working in different directions pay a lot of attention to this field. The purpose of the research is to study the harmful effects of chemical substances used in wine industry on the health and working conditions of employees. In different years, in the Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology, the study of the combined effect of the applied pesticide complex on the working and health conditions of the employees in the viticulture and winemaking of Georgia was carried out. The working conditions of the employees were studied in detail, mainly microclimate indicators (air temperature, humidity, air movement speed); physiological changes of the body; in terms of health status, the functional status of employees' cardiovascular, nervous, urinary-excretory systems, internal organs peripheral blood morphology, urinalysis, ECG, capillaroscopy, skin temperature, biochemical composition of blood, external respiratory function, radiographic studies were analyzed based on the conducted studies. Appropriate conclusions and recommendations were developed.


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How to Cite

JAVAKHADZE, R., CHIGOGIDZE, K., KHATIASHVILI, N., SHUBLADZE, K., & GVABERIDZE, O. (2023). OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH RISKS IN WINE INDUSTRY. Experimental and Clinical Medicine Georgia, (4), 141–145. https://doi.org/10.52340/jecm.2023.04.31




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