menopause, hormonal treatment, quality, lifeAbstract
For more than 70% of women, hot flashes are a common symptom during the transition period to menopause. Such women suffer from decreased quality of life, sleep disturbances or depressed mood. The most effective method of treating hot flashes is hormonal treatment, although it carries potential risks, because a real link has been established between hormonal treatment and development of breast cancer, endometrial cancer and venous thromboembolism. Therefore, scientists are trying to develop non-hormonal methods, behavioral approaches among them. The aim of our research is to confirm the greatest importance and efficiency of behavioral method, in particular, the nutritional behavior has greatest importance and effect in comparison with other methods, based on the existing studies. In women with the attacks of hot flashes, biomarkers of inflammation in blood and accumulation of visceral fat are revealed. This condition can be removed by an individually selected diet, as pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effect of food is proved. Accumulation of excess heat as a result of overeating and certain categories of food intake as a result of thermogenesis has been confirmed as well. Hence it follows, that it is possible to get rid of hot flashes only by losing weight and this should be done primarily by refusing overeating, eating after 6 p.m., receiving salt, also by refusing foods with an inflammatory index and products with high thermogenesis.
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