The problem of value orientations in the teaching process




morality, the right to choose, behavior, evaluation, self-evaluation, system of methods


People's values are largely determined by historical time, life cycle and personal characteristics. Morality occupies the most important place in the value orientations of a person. It concentrates with moral values and is conditioned by morality. Looking at the complexity of the problem, we realize that the teaching-pedagogical activity needs a lot of effort to establish the right orientations. Against the background of modern requirements and situations, it is desirable to give preference to the ultra-modern methods used in Western pedagogical practice, it is actually a system of methods that includes the entire educational process. We considered variant teaching of value-moral elements with different groups of students, representatives of different types of families and the implementation of related educational content as a concrete way of our task. Our trial-experimental activities have shown us that targeted pedagogical measures significantly accelerate the process of forming students' moral views.


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How to Cite

Orjonikidze, N., Akhvlediani, M., & Abdaladze, L. (2024). The problem of value orientations in the teaching process. International Scientific Conference “EDUCATION, RESEARCH, PRACTICE” Proceedings, 5, 422–428.



Educational and Developmental Psychology