Modern interpretations of in-depth structures

Modern interpretations of in-depth structures


  • Medea Metreveli Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University



In-depth structures, Generative linguistics, Cognitive theory, Semantic interpretation


        The paper discusses contemporary interpretations of in-depth structures and the author's own views on these issues.Aim of the research: to be able to describe language as a defined type of formal model based on our own opinions and the results of our research.

Research objectives:

  1. Identify the opinions that claim that linguistic competencies are innate, and reveal the author's reasoned opinion on this issue.
  2. To show from our point of view the pros and cons of the existing theories about the two levels of generational grammar.
  3. Determine the evolutionary path of in-depth structures.
  4. Outline the latest discoveries in the science of generational linguistics so that we can provide a more in-depth analysis of the theory of in-depth structures and a more detailed study of some of the controversial moments.Research methods: descriptive-analytical, comparative-contrast, transformative, psycholinguistic and others.Research Results: Based on the results of this and other studies, we are working on a short course in psycholinguistics to introduce a short course in psycholinguistics at Telavi State University in the field of linguistics.5.Conclusions: It has been found that the theory of deep structures needs more detailed elaboration, because it seems that there is something missing, that is, to be studied in the mechanisms of transition from deep structures to the surface. The postulate of the universal grammar is shows, that the ability to own native language is congenital.



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How to Cite

Metreveli , M. (2022). Modern interpretations of in-depth structures. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(34), 52–60.


